Strengthen Alumni Relationships & Increase Support

Blackbaud’s Charitable Giving Report in 2021 revealed that the Higher Education subsector’s overall giving grew by 14.5% in 2021 (compared to 2020), with a 10.3% three-year giving trend increase.

Are you seeing a 14.5% increase in giving among your remote alumni and donors?

It can be a struggle to reach a scattered donor base in meaningful ways that translate to impactful support.  In this webinar, hear how you can both strengthen your relationships across the miles without leaving your desk and increase your giving (both annual and planned gifts)!

About the Presenter

Eddie Thompson, Ed.D., FCEP

Eddie Thompson, Ed.D., FCEP

While Eddie attended Vanderbilt University in the 1970’s for his doctorate degree, the country was experiencing hyper-inflation. Inflation was rising faster than universities could raise tuition. Eddie wrote his dissertation on fundraising in higher education comparing the 13 most successful organizations with 13 less successful organizations. 

From his findings and own experience working in development shops, Eddie formed Thompson & Associates in 1996 with a unique values-based estate planning model.  It provides a way for people to dedicate the necessary time to consider important life decisions and to engage in thoughtful discussion that leads to optimal results for supporters, their families, and their favorite organizations.  

Eddie has planned thousands of estates, which has generated billions of dollars to charity during his thirty plus years working with nonprofits.  He speaks to organizations from coast to coast on successful fundraising techniques, nonprofit management and charitable estate planning and has garnered many honors during his distinguished career.  

Let's Talk
The craziest thing that can happen is nothing.


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