Next week (October 18-24) is National Estate Planning Awareness Week!  

Only about 1 in 3 adults have a will, and many people don’t realize a will is only part of an estate plan.  If someone has not planned their estate, there is virtually no chance they have arranged to leave a gift to your organization.

National Estate Planning Awareness Week is a great opportunity to remind your supporters about the importance of an estate plan for them and their loved ones.  You can also encourage them to make a difference in the lives of others through your organization by taking advantage of some unique tax-saving opportunities available for the remainder of 2021.

We’re here to help you get the conversation going!  We’ve provided a summary of tax-smart giving ideas for the remainder of 2021 along with a script and sample questions for you.  Please take advantage of these free resources to connect with your supporters!

Thompson & Associates clients, click here for your specific resources.

Daily Theme Ideas

Check out this fun compilation of daily theme ideas to promote National Estate Planning Awareness Week in your organization’s messaging.  Great for social media, etc.!

Sample Script

“I’m calling to let you know that next/this week is Estate Planning Awareness Week.  I am taking this opportunity to encourage you to make sure you have a complete estate plan in place that accurately reflects your values and goals, including a will or trust, powers of attorney for financial and medical decisions, and a living will.”

“I encourage you to not delay in updating your documents and beneficiary designations.  Maybe set a deadline to get everything updated by the end of the year.  Getting this done will give you peace of mind – something very valuable right now!  If the opportunity arises as you update things, we would love for you to include our organization in your final plans.”

FOLLOW-UP:  Schedule a personal email to go to them within a certain number of days that includes helpful information such as your tax ID number, bequest language, legacy society information, and the helpful planning opportunities handout below.

Below are some simple questions and talking points to help you build conversations around estate planning.  Beyond National Estate Planning Awareness week, work these important questions into your regular discussions with your supporters!


Conversational Questions and Talking Points

  • “We know these unprecedented days have caused financial and legacy concerns among many.  I heard that a record number of people are searching online for do-it-yourself Wills right now.”
  • “Do you have a properly prepared, updated and executed will, powers of attorney and medical directives?”
  • “Have you made appropriate provisions to account for all children?”  (or “heirs,” if applicable)
  • “Are the named executors, trustees and guardians still appropriate?”
  • “Do beneficiary designations on all life insurance and retirement accounts compliment your will and/or trust?”
  • “Have you considered making provisions for charities in your estate plan?”
  • “If you want to do something for charity from your estate, current laws make it very attractive to give outright to charity from a retirement account.”  (Review SECURE Act resources here.)

We would love the opportunity to show you how a partnership with Thompson & Associates will provide your supporters a personalized estate planning process that clarifies values and goals to develop a plan that benefits their loved ones and favorite causes. Provide them the gift of certainty while increasing your annual, major and planned giving!

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The craziest thing that can happen is nothing.


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