First in the Nation!

New Iowa RIFT Law Protects Charities

Complimentary 1-hour Webinar

Monday, June 10


Iowa is a leader and first in the nation to pass legislation on May 3, 2024, helping Iowa charities. 

Join Bill Gustoff and Johni Hays for a 1-hour webinar to learn how this law can be used by Iowa charities to protect their donors’ intent and wishes when it comes to collecting on IRA and other accounts left to them upon death.


Who Should Attend:

Trust, estate and probate attorneys
Development and fundraising staff
Planned giving officers and foundation staff
CEOs and CFOs of Iowa charities
Nonprofit board members

You’ll discover:

1. How the new law helps charities
2. Which donor accounts are covered by this new law
3. When and how charities can use this law to get claims paid faster
4. Remedies including damages, attorney fees, penalties and legal costs

Watch Now

About the Presenters

Johni Hays, J.D., FCEP

Johni Hays, J.D., FCEP

Executive Vice President

With her extensive legal and nonprofit professional experience, as well as a genuine desire to be a helper, Johni discovered the ideal opportunity at Thompson & Associates.  She credits the company’s reputation of genuineness, sincerity and integrity.  At Thompson & Associates, she most values the role she plays in helping others figure out what they need in an estate plan and pulling together all the pieces so individuals can enjoy peace of mind.  

Johni is an accomplished writer, having been quoted in the Wall Street Journal and publishing estate planning articles in numerous publications like Planned Giving Today, Estate Planning Magazine, Fundraising Success, Life Insurance Selling and the National Underwriter.  Additionally, she is the author of the book, Essentials of Annuities and co-author of the book, The Tools and Techniques of Charitable Planning.  She also serves as a charitable planning author of Steve Leimberg’s electronic newsletter service, LISI, found at

She has been engaged in the practice of law with an emphasis in charitable and estate planning since 1993.  She has also worked with the insurance industry helping agents with estate and charitable plans for their clients. 

Johni served as the President of the Charitable Estate Planning Institute from 2012 and retired in 2016. She and a group of Thompson & Associates colleagues formed the Institute in 2012, as a means for estate planning professionals from across the country to gather annually to discuss advanced topics specifically geared towards estate planning. 

Johni frequently lectures on a national basis to groups on estate and charitable planning, probate, living wills, annuities, life insurance, retirement planning and IRAs, as well as income, estate and gift taxation. Her quick wit and engaging personality make the often-complicated topics of estate planning fun and easy to understand. 

Bill Gustoff, J.D., FCEP

Bill Gustoff, J.D., FCEP

President of Legal Division

Bill has extensive experience as an attorney working in estate planning, family business transactions, nonprofit organizations, and related areas.  Bill serves as one of the primary planning attorneys for Thompson & Associates while providing general guidance on the legal issues and planning processes of the company.

Bill’s legal career began in 1995 and, in addition to his years in private practice, he served nearly four years as general counsel for a national nonprofit organization dedicated to estate planning, planned giving, and assisting other nonprofit organizations with planned giving and tax issues. 

Bill has assisted businesses and individuals from around the country with their transactional, real estate, and estate planning matters. Bill has worked on transactions and estates ranging from the very modest and simple to those complex and in excess of $1 billion to help clients minimize or eliminate taxes and administration expenses, meet their philanthropic goals, and plan for the passing of business and personal assets to future generations. 

Each year Bill attends and teaches several hours of advanced and comprehensive continuing legal education courses focused on estate planning, nonprofit organizations, and planned giving.  He has been a frequent speaker at locations around the country for both professional and nonprofessional groups on estate planning and nonprofit organization topics, and he has written several articles and brochures on such topics. 

From 2012-2022, Bill served as a member of the faculty of the Charitable Estate Planning Institute including three years as Dean of the Institute. The Institute is a 501(c)(3) public charity formed by a group of Thompson & Associates colleagues in 2012 that provides top-level education on charitable estate planning for development staff, gift planning officers, and professional advisors. 

Bill is active with the Iowa State Bar Association, including serving on the Nonprofit Corporation Committee of the Business Law Section.  His past bar association activities have also involved sections on Wills, Trust and Probate Law and on Taxation Law, the Committee on Services to the Elderly, and committees for Professionalism and for Public Relations of the Legal Profession. 

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