national estate planning awareness week
October 21-27, 2019
Did you know the third week in October every year is National Estate Planning Awareness Week? It’s quickly approaching this year… October 21-27.
This is an excellent opportunity to reach out to your supporters! We invite you to watch the 2-minute video above by our CEO and Founder, Eddie Thompson. He discusses the 3 questions your supporters must ask and answer before they will make a significant gift to your organization. Addressing these needs of your supporters will show them that you truly want what is best for them.
We encourage you to make a list of donors who could use a gentle reminder of the importance of a thoughtful estate plan and use the National Estate Planning Awareness Week on October 21-27 as an opportunity to initiate those conversations. Raising the importance of an estate plan is a great opportunity to remind your supporters how they can make a difference in the lives of others through your organization.
“Your estate plan is the single greatest financial impact you can have on your family and the largest financial transfer you will ever control. Planning for this transfer can be profoundly liberating and positive when it breathes life and possibility into the future.”
– Eddie Thompson
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