GO Connect Pipeline Management
Web-based Process Guidance & Tracking Tool
What is GO Connect?
GO Connect stands for “Gift Officer Connect.” It is a proprietary cloud-based application created specifically to facilitate the Thompson planning process. It guides you through a roadmap of suggested activities or touch points for each participant from start to finish, providing applicable resources along the way. You and your associate can now securely share progress and details (including a shared calendar!) in one simple solution with real-time updates.
What GO Connect is not:
GO Connect is not a CRM. We were deliberate in not wanting to create more work for you with any double-entry of information you’re already tracking in your own database. GO Connect is purely meant to facilitate our process, making it easier to track between you and your associate.
GO Connect Overview (1:38)
Just Released: Creating Calendar Invites in GO Connect
Calendar Invite Overview (1:45)
Calendar Invite How-to (5:31)
Windows Users:
- Invites may try to open in Window’s built-in Mail program. If this is the case, open Control Panel, select Default Programs, select Default for file types, scroll down to find .ics files and select it, change it to Outlook as the default program.
- When opening the downloaded ICS invite file, you may receive an Outlook security notification alerting you that the file is coming from an outside source, and confirming you wish to open (yes, you do)
Mac Users:
- You may want to update your computer to use Outlook to open ICS files by default
- You may want to update your computer’s default calendar to be the correct one you desire to save all invites to
- Click here for instructions on how to do this
Multiple Email Addresses:
- Some people may want their calendar invites going to a different email than where they want email communications going to
- GO Connect will prepopulate the calendar invite recipients with the donors’ email addresses entered in their GO Connect record
- When the invite is generated, you can simply remove the populated emails and type in the correct invite addresses before sending
As we roll out this new functionality, please don’t hesitate to contact us with any questions or issues!
Katie Grassmann at katie@ceplan.com or 615.369.1416 ext 1
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