A Father’s Legacy

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As we come together in reflection of our fathers this Sunday, we have the opportunity to reflect on our own legacy, our own leadership and to chart our own course.

Father’s Day is a time to honor our dads and the role they play in our lives. Many of us will share stories, recent memories, shed tears and share laughter. We invite you to take a moment to hear Eddie Thompson, Founder & CEO of Thompson & Associates, share his story of how his father’s example inspired his personal course for philanthropy and his passion to positively impact others.

We lead by example. Often, it’s our fathers who set the course. Eddie’s father paved the way of generosity which led to his personal passion for making great things happen for others through philanthropy.

How high will you rise? How far will you reach?

Thank you to Association for Healthcare Philanthropy (AHP) for capturing this wonderful story as part of their AHP Next campaign.