Located In
Brentwood, Tennessee
Partners Located In
Vanderbilt University, Ed.D., Higher Education Administration, 1981
Alabama Christian College, M.A., 1981
Scarritt University, M.A., Christian Education, 1980
Lipscomb University, B.A., 1975
Freed-Hardeman University, A.F.A.
R&R Newkirk, Estate Planning in Planned Gift Development, 1991, 1997
Certified Fundraising Executive (CFRE), 1986-1996
National Institute for Wills and Bequests Training, Certified Instructor, 1985
Memberships & Associations
National Association of Charitable Gift Planners, Member; Leadership Institute Member; National Board Member 2021-2023
Planned Giving Council of Middle Tennessee, Board Member
Association for Healthcare Philanthropy (AHP)
AHP Leadership Institute
Fellow in Charitable Estate Planning (FCEP), Charitable Estate Planning Institute
Charitable Estate Planning Institute, Co-Founder, Chair
Your Healthy Brain Foundation, National Board Member
National Community Corporation, National Board Member
Recognition & Awards
Freed-Hardeman University: Outstanding Alumnus of the Year (2000)
Kellogg Foundation Board Trainer, assigned to Special Olympics International (1992)
International Directory of Distinguished Leadership (1988)
Who’s Who in American Education (1992)
Personalities of America (6th Edition)
Notable American Men (2000, 2nd Edition)
Past Board Positions
Institute of Board Certification, Past Board Member
The Barnabas Foundation, Past Board Member
African Christian School, Past Board Member
The Ronald McDonald House Charities of Nashville, Past Board Member
The EAR Foundation, CEO, 1990-1996
David Lipscomb University, Vice President for Institutional Advancement, 1985-1991
Eddie founded the unique Thompson & Associates process in 1996. As CEO of Thompson & Associates, Eddie provides leadership and direction to around 30 seasoned charitable estate planners with an inspiring sense of generosity, integrity and passion for helping others.
By creating a unique values-based model at Thompson & Associates, Eddie and his team have established a way for people to dedicate the necessary time to consider important life decisions and to engage in thoughtful discussion that leads to optimal results for all.
He has planned thousands of estates, which has generated billions of dollars to charity during his thirty plus years working with nonprofits. Eddie speaks to organizations from coast to coast on successful fundraising techniques, nonprofit management and charitable estate planning and has garnered many honors during his distinguished career. He credits his parents with shaping his personal and professional path; they were very poor, but very generous.
Eddie serves as the Chair of the Charitable Estate Planning Institute, a 501(c)(3) public charity offering top level education on charitable estate planning for development staff, gift planning officers and professional advisors. Eddie and a group of Thompson & Associates colleagues formed the Institute in 2012. He is also a Fellow in Charitable Estate Planning (FCEP) awarded by the Institute.
A native of Florida, Eddie and his wife, Sheryl, have been married more than 50 years and have made Nashville their home. They have two sons, one daughter and four grandchildren. Eddie and his family are involved in many community organizations and their church. He was an active instrument pilot with both land and seaplane ratings but has since retired from flying preferring to enjoy life on his farm with the grandkids.