Thompson & Associates clients, click here for your year-end resources.

Opportunities Remain in 2020

Many people use December to make year-end giving decisions and prepare for the upcoming year.  This year, there are numerous planning opportunities that will simply not be available in 2021.  Many high-income and high-net-worth individuals are certainly thinking about these limited opportunities and perhaps even implementing strategies.

As your donors review their plans at year-end, you want to be top-of-mind, so they think to include your organization in those plans!  Use the final few weeks of 2020 to connect with your supporters.  Remind them of your mission and, if the conversation allows, let them know about giving opportunities before year-end.

Hear more from our President, Cayce Powell, in this brief video message.


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We would love the chance to partner with you to provide your supporters with the valuable gift of our estate planning process.  We could give your supporters clarity and confidence, explaining how they can best utilize the current environment and how charitable techniques can work in their favor.

To learn more about what a partnership with Thompson & Associates looks like, please call or email Bethany Rozell at 615.369.1416 ext 4 or

Year-end Giving Ideas

We explain six different giving ideas for you to be aware of as you visit with your supporters.  You could also share these ideas with your supporters via social media or email campaigns.

Charitable Planning Opportunities Handout

A quick reference guide of the key changes of a potential Biden tax plan and the charitable planning opportunities that would help respond to them.
Having timely conversations about these potential changes will be a great service to your donors and may also result in larger and accelerated charitable gifts to your organization.
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Donor Educational Video

In this 8-minute video, Lorraine del Prado, CSPG, CFRE, FCEP outlines the charitable opportunities with a potential Biden tax plan.
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Historically, two out of every three people we work with create a major gift of estate assets.

Research shows that after someone plans for a major gift of an estate asset, their annual giving increases significantly for many years.  

Let’s Talk
The craziest thing that can happen is nothing.