Client Conference

August 26-27, 2024 |  Nashville, Tennessee

Join us in beautiful Music City for a day and a half to connect with the national Thompson & Associates team, learn tips & tricks to help in your everyday work with your donors, and re-energize just in time for year-end activities!

Client Conference

August 26-27, 2024 |  Nashville, Tennessee

Join us in beautiful Music City for a day and a half to connect with the national Thompson & Associates team, learn tips & tricks to help in your everyday work with your donors, and re-energize just in time for year-end activities!

About the Conference

Each year our team, who is spread out across the nation, takes time to gather as a family. We invite our nonprofit clients and friends to join us as we learn and reconnect. Together, we discuss trends in giving and tricks of the trade to make us more successful in our work. The lively exchange of information with likeminded professionals renews our motivation to do our very best – after all, what we do matters so much for our supporters and organizations!

Full participation in the client conference is applicable for 8.75 points in Category 1.B -Education of the CFRE International application for initial certification and/or recertification.

Pricing & Information

We are pleased to offer this conference at no cost, other than your travel.

Efficient Schedule: Join us for a condensed 1.5-day event, designed for easy travel with just two hotel nights.

Renew Your Drive: Reignite your passion as we approach year-end, setting the stage for a powerful finish to the year ahead.

Success Strategies: Acquire practical tips and techniques to amplify your effectiveness with the Thompson planning process.

Specialized Perspectives: Gain valuable insights from renowned industry speakers, who will delve into current trends and best practices in development and fundraising.

Skill Refinement: Refine your estate planning expertise, sharpening your ability to recognize and respond to key cues and clues.

Meet the Team: Connect face-to-face with the entire Thompson team, who work as a collective resource to all clients.

Community Networking: Engage with peers and colleagues from Thompson & Associates’ nationwide client base, fostering valuable networking opportunities.

Prime Location: Experience the conference at the Hilton Garden Inn, conveniently situated on Broadway just one mile from downtown Nashville’s vibrant core: $209/night lodging in group block (available on first-come, first-serve basis). Easy Uber/Lyft drive from airport to venue.

Professional Development: Earn CFRE credits, enhancing your credentials and expanding your skill set.


*Agenda subject to change

Monday, August 26, 2024

8:00-8:45 am Welcome & Introductions
8:45-9:30 am Client Keynote:
Taking an Enterprise Approach: Development is a Team Sport
Lori Sullivan and Robin Kraujalis, Saint Louis Zoo; Michael Geis, Thompson & Associates
9:30-9:45 am Break
9:45-10:45 am Charitable Estate Planning in 2024
Eddie Thompson
10:45-11:00 am Utilizing GO Connect to Fill the Table
Cayce Powell & Katie Grassmann
11:00-11:15 am Support Materials Overview
Bethany Rozell & Katie Grassmann
11:15-11:30 am RIFT Victory
Johni Hays & Bill Gustoff
11:30-1:15 pm Lunch Break
1:15-1:30 pm Charitable Estate Planning – Family Feud Style!
Bethany Rozell
1:30-2:00 pm Developing Meaningful Donor Conversations
Eddie Thompon
2:00-2:45 pm

Identifying & Inviting Donors to the Planning Process
Eddie Thompson & Cayce Powell

2:45-3:00 pm Break
3:00-3:45 pm The First Planning Meeting
Eddie Thompson
3:45-4:15 pm An Outstanding Donor Experience
Johni Hays
4:15-4:45 pm Maximizing the Virtual Option
Vince McElligott

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

8:00-8:45 am

Charitable Estate Planning – The Why
Jeremy Pharr

8:45-9:30 am Charitable Estate Planning – The How
Jason Meredith
9:30-9:45 am Break
9:45-10:30 am Blended Gifts
Darren Penny
10:30-11:00 am Counting vs Accounting for Planned Gifts
Charlie Slamar
11:00-11:30 am 3 Hats, 2 Roles, 1 Person: How to Manage It All
Paul Grassmann
11:30-11:45 am Where Do We Go From Here?
Eddie Thompson

Monday, August 26, 2024

8:00-8:45 am
Welcome & Introductions

8:45-9:30 am
Client Keynote:
Taking an Enterprise Approach: Development is a Team Sport
Lori Sullivan and Robin Kraujalis, Saint Louis Zoo; Michael Geis, Thompson & Associates

9:30-9:45 am

9:45-10:45 am
Charitable Estate Planning in 2024
Eddie Thompson

10:45-11:00 am
Utilizing GO Connect to Fill the Table
Cayce Powell & Katie Grassmann

11:00-11:15 am
Support Materials Overview
Bethany Rozell & Katie Grassmann

11:15-11:30 am
RIFT Victory
Johni Hays & Bill Gustoff

11:30-1:15 pm
Lunch Break

1:15-1:30 pm
Charitable Estate Planning – Family Feud Style!
Bethany Rozell

1:30-2:00 pm
Developing Meaningful Donor Conversations
Eddie Thompson

2:00-2:45 pm
Identifying & Inviting Donors to the Planning Process
Eddie Thompson & Cayce Powell

2:45-3:00 pm

3:00-3:45 pm
The First Planning Meeting
Eddie Thompson

3:45-4:15 pm
An Outstanding Donor Experience
Johni Hays

4:15-4:45 pm
Maximizing the Virtual Option
Vince McElligott

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

8:00-8:45 am
Charitable Estate Planning – The Why
Jeremy Pharr

8:45-9:30 am
Charitable Estate Planning – The How
Jason Meredith

9:30-9:45 am

9:45-10:30 am
Blended Gifts
Darren Penny

10:30-11:00 am
Counting vs Accounting for Planned Gifts
Charlie Slamar

11:00-11:30 am
3 Hats, 2 Roles, 1 Person: How to Manage It All
Paul Grassmann

11:30-11:45 am
Where Do We Go From Here?
Eddie Thompson

*Agenda subject to change


(listed in agenda order)

Lori Sullivan, FCEP, Director of Planned GIfts

Lori Sullivan, FCEP, Director of Planned GIfts

Saint Louis Zoo

Robin Kraujalis, CFRE, FCEP, Manager of Planned Gifts

Robin Kraujalis, CFRE, FCEP, Manager of Planned Gifts

Saint Louis Zoo

Michael Geis, CFRE, FCEP, FAHP

Michael Geis, CFRE, FCEP, FAHP

Executive Vice President

Eddie Thompson, Ed.D., FCEP

Eddie Thompson, Ed.D., FCEP

Founder & CEO

Cayce Powell, J.D., MBA, FCEP

Cayce Powell, J.D., MBA, FCEP


Katie Grassmann

Katie Grassmann

Vice President of Corporate Resources

Bethany Rozell, FCEP

Bethany Rozell, FCEP

Executive Vice President of Strategic Partnerships

Johni Hays, J.D., FCEP

Johni Hays, J.D., FCEP

Executive Vice President

Bill Gustoff, J.D., FCEP

Bill Gustoff, J.D., FCEP

President of Legal Division

Vince McElligott, FCEP

Vince McElligott, FCEP

Executive Vice President

Jeremy Pharr, J.D., FCEP

Jeremy Pharr, J.D., FCEP

Executive Vice President

Jason Meredith, J.D., FCEP

Jason Meredith, J.D., FCEP

Executive Vice President of Charitable Estate Planning

Darren Penny. Ph.D., MBA, FCEP

Darren Penny. Ph.D., MBA, FCEP

Executive Vice President

Charlie Slamar, J.D., LL.M., FCEP

Charlie Slamar, J.D., LL.M., FCEP

Senior Vice President

Paul Grassmann, J.D., LL.M., FCEP

Paul Grassmann, J.D., LL.M., FCEP

Executive Vice President

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Make a Weekend Out of It!

Did we say we’re meeting in Nashville?!  This is a fun opportunity to spend a little extra time to see the best of Music City!

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